Inherit CustomFields

What is it?

The problem you need to solve: See Sub-Task with some of their Custom Field be updated with Parent Custom Field values.

How Minyaa solves this problem: Minyaa allows you to define a Workflow Function usable in any Transition and able to update selected Custom Fields by Parent Custom Field Value.

How it works

By defining this Workflow Function in a Transition of your workflow, you are able to force some custom fields to be updated with custom field's value of Parent Issue.

You can also define a such Workflow Function in the Global Edit Transition (See Issue Validation), and then be sure that the integrity of this rule is respected.

Configuring the Feature

To configure the Inherit Custom Field Workflow Function, please follow these steps :

  1. Since this Workflow Function does not need to be associated with a screen containing the concerned CustomFields, the function can be added in any Workflow Transition.

    It might be:
    • A Common Transition,
    • Or a Global Transition,
    • Or the Edit Global Transition.
    If you choice the Common Transition and Global Transition, it will be preferable to removed concerned CustomFields from the Edit Screen of the Sub-Task.

    If you want keep them in your Edit Screen, you will have to define this Workflow Transition at the Edit Global Transition level, in order to be sure that the Issue Validation is performed for each Edit Operation, and then control the integrity of the rule.

  2. Add the Inherit CustomFields Post-Function to the wanted transition.

    For more information on adding a Post Function in Workflow, please see JIRA: Adding a Post Function Adding a Inherit CustomFields Post-Function
  3. Its configuration allows you to specify which CustomFields have to be inerited from the Parent Issue.

    Inherit CustomFields Post-Function

    Parameter Description
    Available Custom Fields List of all CustomField candidate for an inheritance. Some of Custom Fields are filtered, like all Calculated Custom Fields.
    Selected Custom Fields List of all selected CustomFields for an inheritance.

  4. You will end up with a transition looking like:

    Inherit CustomFields Post-Function

    And the XML Declaration as follow :

    <post-function type="class">
       <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.InheritCustomFieldFromParentFunction</arg>